Blue hour

There is a certain calmness to the blue hour that commences as soon as the sun falls beneath the horizon. Exposure is quite tricky and I bracket up to 1.5 stops. A tripod is indispensable for two reasons, the first is obvious with longer exposure times than is recommended to handhold. The second reason is that it is difficult to compose with precision, you need the horizon to be deadstraight and you need to centre the landing, note the closest ironposts left and right are both at the very same position at top and bottom. This is almost impossible handheld with such a small margin for error. [24/3.8 Elmar]


  1. Beautiful picture and very instructive commentary - this is becoming one of my must read blogs

  2. va fin pappa! jag tycker om dina bilder!
    kram lisa

  3. Fantastic fotolebroc! I appreciate your comment :)

  4. Lisa, vad gullig du är :) Tack snälla....

  5. Your efforts paid off. This picture makes people take a deep breath. At least I did.
